Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rainy Days

Yesterday was one of those West coast days where you just want to curl up with a good book or play poker online all day. It literally poured from morning until night with just a couple brief stops during the day. Growing up in Vancouver I am used to them as it does happen. I actually don't really mind them as long as they aren't a week long which has happened sometimes too. Still nursing this dumb cold and cough so staying inside most of the day was okay. I think my dog felt kind of ripped off though as his walks were brutally short. He kept giving me that look like he lets go out. Um no. He is a golden retriever so water to him is fun.

I haven't ran in almost a week so feeling like a slug. Going to give this cold a couple more days and plan on running on Saturday at the latest.

Played a couple freerolls yesterday and a couple SNG's. Did well at the SNG's but bombed at the freerolls. Had to contact Fulltilt again yesterday as now when I try to register for the Canada freerolls it says that I have to be a resident of Canada??
Um yea. Okay. I have to tell you though that emailing Fulltilt always gets a quick response. They registered me manually and said they were having technical issues with the country specific ones.

Had someone ask me yesterday why I bother with the freerolls as the prize is only 15 bucks if you manage to out play and out luck 2699 other players. I mean I could certainly deposit that but as I have said before I prefer to play live and to me the online game is just a way to practice. Now if I manage to cash well then I will use it in the micro cash games they offer and try to build it up.

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