In the poker league I play in sunglasses are banned. You can't wear them. Simple as that. In one of his latest blog postings Daniel Negraneau says he would like to see them banned from poker completely. I agree with him. What is with people hiding behind the glasses? Do you have a nervous twitch when you bluff? Do you look guilty when you fire that continuation bet when you hit air on the flop? I just think they look goofy inside and you notice its more of the young crowd that seems to favour them but not all. Daniel say he would like at the start to get them banned from televised tournaments. I say right on. If you can't learn to play poker without hiding behind shades then in my opinion your in the wrong game but that's just me or you should just stay on the internet and play. Daniel has a lot of pull and respect in the poker world so we will see if anything transpires. Not sure if it will though as too many of the young pros hide behind them. Even older guys like Greg Raymer use them although his are quite funny. My poker playing son asked me if when I am playing in the WSOP if I would don a pair. I said no. I have played in Vegas before and never felt the need to. Why change now?
That was a horrendous hockey game last night. Luongo was horrible, the defence was non existent and Chicago dominated from the first drop of the puck. I think there are 5 Blackhawks that live and were born in and around Vancouver so it's like a homecoming for them. I know the series isn't over but it will take a monumental comeback to recover from this defeat. I will still be cheering but I don't have a lot of hope. It's amazing how things change so fast. Canucks won game 1 easy and were dominating the opening in game 2 and then it was like they lost their confidence and also the one position where they should be more dominant in goal they haven't. I am a big Luongo fan but he has not been great. That's the difference. The Chicago goalie has been great for the most part. Great goal tending wins Cups.
OH yea I was playing online yesterday. Just played one SNG. Anyways we were down to 8 players and I get AA in the SB. A guy in middle position raises 4 times the BB. Gets to me I reraised him double. Gets back to him and he jamms. He has me covered . Of course I call. He has KK. Perfect. Yea well then he hits his King on the flop and that's how my Aces went yesterday. Some wise Lady suggested that I count wins with my Aces even if I don't get a caller. As of now I will start doing that.
Aces 6/14
The only good thing about sunglasses are that they give you a little more comfort if an opponent goes in the tank and you get tired of staring straight ahead.
ReplyDeleteShocking to see the way the Canucks have imploded. So many stupid penalties, a killer when your penality killing unit is playing so poorly.
I am going to game five. It would be nice to see the series end there.
@ Lightning
ReplyDeleteYea I can't see them coming back from this. Luongo hasn't played well all year in my estimation. Even though he was the Olympic gold medal goalie I still though he was shaky. Have fun at the game. The crowd will be wild.
I agree that sunglasses are ridiculous. I tried wearing them in a tournament ONCE and felt very uncomfortable and didn't like seeing the room in semidarkness.
ReplyDeleteNothing you could do there with AA. KK wasn't folding.
@ Josie
ReplyDeleteYep there was no way KK was folding. You just have to accept those kind of beats
Coop, I want to hear how you did sat night in the live game!! Please.
ReplyDelete@ Josie
ReplyDeleteIts Sunday night that I have a live game. I will let you tomorrow okay?
Sunglasses aren't just to hide tells. They are also to let the wearer read people or gather tells without making it obvious. When I wear sunglasses, I often turn my head in one direction and my eyes in another to misdirect where my attention is. After all, with good players, there is the chance of fake tells being put out, but if the good player doesn't know you are looking at him, he won't be putting out false tells. Also, if you want to look like you aren't paying attention when you are, sunglasses in general help.
ReplyDeleteI liken it to a HUD program online. I don't use a HUD program. I also think that they are not in line with the spirit of the game. But, they are a tool out there, and people can and will use it. The same thing is true with sunglasses and live play. Some people think they are unnecessary or even that it can have negative consequences or is not in the spirit of the game, but its there to be used, so I use it.
ReplyDeleteI have never used them but you certainly make some great points and I undderstand why people do. It's funny Negraneau would like to see them banned which I though was interesting.
Sunglasses should be banned from WSOP and televised tournaments - as Negreanu said, what's to stop you wearing one of those NASA spacesuits?
ReplyDeleteOne of your posters says it helps him observe others without seeming to - well, if we're in person at a live game, I want to see what you're doing and I have a right to. Sunglasses are for wusses.
My favorite is players at a 1/2 game with sunglasses. Yeah, right. On the plus side, wearing sunglasses at night indoors strains your eyes and makes you tired, so maybe they're not all bad.
@ Wolynski
ReplyDeleteYea it is pretty funny seeing them at 1/2 and with the hoodies pretending to be Phil Laak