Thursday, May 14, 2009

True Crime

I have always been someone who has in interest in true crime. I am not sure what fascinates me about the subject but give me a true crime novel or show on TV and I will watch. I think I have read most if not all of Ann Rules true crime stories. I have always been intrigued by what makes an average person cross that line. What made Ted Bundy do what he did?? What was the trigger that set him off? He was a fairly successful guy. What made Scott Pederson kill his wife Laci when he could have just divorced her if unhappy. What set off those boys at Columbine?? We now know it wasn't because they were bullied. What made Clifford Olsen up here in Canada kill all those kids not far from where I lived in the eighties?? He was married with a child. Did his wife have any idea of the monster she was married to?

Anyways I find the subject fascinating and recently came across a blog written by a group of women which delves into true crime in the U.S. Now this blog is definitely written with a feminist approach but the authors are all very well educated and discuss cases that are either before the courts or that are soon to be tried. Very interesting stuff. The name of the blog is Women in Crime Ink.

I played my usual Wednesday micro limit cash game at Pokerstars yesterday and managed another winning session. I have to admit that I am liking playing limit for a change. At the level I am playing I find players are really overplaying their hands and being the patient guy I am I can so far manage a profit. I won't get rich playing but its money I won playing a freeroll anyways.

With our election over and done with here in B.C the sad thing that came out was that only 53% of the people voted. What is with that?? People love to complain but when almost half the eligible voters don't even bother to get off their butts to vote there is something wrong. I am not sure what can be done other than making it compulsory to vote but that would be a nightmare and who would enforce it. I took my youngest son (his first time voting) to the polling station and got a couple of compliments from people saying that its nice to see some young people out voting. Looking around I realized that really there wasn't anyone there under the age of 30. What does that say about the future??

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