Do you remember Susan Jacks?? She was the lead singer of that late sixties early seventies band called The Poppy Family. They had a few hits but their big one was Which Way You Goin Billy. Other big ones were That's Where I Went Wrong and Where Evil Grows. Susan was born in Canada and grew up in a suburb of Vancouver. I still remember when they came and played at my high school. They were great. Anyways I just read Susan has kidney disease and desperately needs a kidney transplant. In Canada 85% of people think transplants are good and necessary but only 14 % of people have signed donor cards. People really need to do this it could be your brother or sister that needs one. I certainly wish Susan well and hopefully she gets her kidney transplant before it's too late.

I went and saw that new movie last night called The Invention of Lying. It stars Jennifer Garner and Ricky Gervais. The movie is about a place where nobody can lie. Everyone tells the truth. Can you imagine that? Ricky and Jennifer go on a date and she tells him that really he has no chance with her as she is out of his league and that he is fat and has a stubby nose. Everyone tells everybody what they think. I wonder what our world would be like if that was true. If people told it like it is. Anyways without spoiling too much Ricky becomes the first person who is able to lie and what happens afterwords is a reflection of our life. It pokes fun at relationships, religion, genetic matching and just life in general. I found the movie concept incredibly original (nice for a change) but not quite as funny as I thought it might be. Having said that I certainly think this one is worth watching and have no hesitation in recommending it.
I see the WSOP Europe has just wrapped up and it came down to Daniel Negraneau and Barry Shulman heads up and Barry prevailed after a 5 hour marathon. I watched some of the action and hand history on the Internet and it was quite a battle. Twice Barry was all in and managed to escape. Barry of course is the father of November Nine WSOP finalist Jeff Shulman. Can Dad and Son win both in the same year?? It should be interesting.
The movie is about a place where nobody can lie. Everyone tells the truth. Can you imagine that?
ReplyDeleteHard to imagine, isn't it? Maybe it's for the best -- the truth isn't always pleasant.
It would make poker a totally different game. Ha Ha