Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cholesterol Results

Just before I went to Vegas I had my cholesterol checked again. I was one guy who never thought would ever have a problem with this. I had been a long distance runner for years and I thought I ate a pretty good diet. Sure I ate too many cookies and cake but I always thought my running would take care of it. Boy was I wrong as I have related before. My last test was a disaster. My HDL (good cholesterol) was okay but my bad cholesterol LDL was horrible and my triglycerides were way over the normal. My doctor wanted to put my on cholesterol lowering medication but I resisted because I am really stubborn and I hate taking medication. I decided to prove to my doctor I could get it down without help from the little pills. I consulted a dietitian who put me on a pretty strict diet although she said a lot of what I was doing was good. Just a few adjustments.

What I did was cut out all coffee, no alcohol except for red wine, beef only once a week, either chicken or vegetarian the rest of the time. I ate oatmeal every morning with ground flax added. This is the oatmeal you cook not that instant stuff. I cut out all cookies and all sweet stuff period. No white sugar or flour. Lots of raw vegetables with yogurt based dip. Sounds boring?? Its not. I feel so much better. Getting rid of coffee made me less jumpy too.

So what happened???

My old results
Cholesterol 7.32 Normal is between 2.00-5.19
Triglycerides 3.52 Normal is between 0.45-2.29
LDL Cholesterol (the bad stuff)4.80 Normal is 1.50-3.39
HDL Cholesterol 0.92 Normal is over 0.90 Mine was okay

As you can see the only good news was that my good cholesterol was okay. Everything else wasn't

My new results after two months of the diet

Cholesterol 4.09 Normal is between 2.00-5.19
Triglycerides 1.38. Normal is between 0.45- 2.29
LDL Cholesterol 2.67 Normal between 1.50-3.39
HDL Cholesterol 0.79 Normal is over 0.90

As you can see my results were awesome. Even my doctor was shocked. You see she had given me a prescription for medication and thought that's what had made the big turn around. When I told her it was strictly diet she was impressed. The only thing she didn't like was that my good cholesterol had gone down but everything else was within range. I was really pleased and will continue this way of eating from now on. I feel great and I sleep great. The best thing is no medication. I go for another test sometime in December. Hopefully the results will be good.


  1. That's wonderful news, congratulations.

    "the only good news was that my good cholesterol was okay."

    Was this because you exercise and run?

  2. Thanks the results were encouraging. The experts seem to think that exercise raises your good cholesterol which is a good thing.

  3. Food really does make a difference. All those people who lived to be a 100 - I'm not sure I can afford it - ate sparingly. Apparently the trick is to eat as little as possible.

  4. Not sure whether I can afford it or not either, food does make a huge difference.


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